About SPP Foundation


The vision of SPP Foundation is to support, develop, and protect spiritual, cultural, and moral values in Slovakia and to mitigate impacts of difficult living conditions on people through organisations that promote positive long-term and innovative changes in the social field.


The openness, transparency, and equality of opportunities are important to the Foundation. We allocate funds through grants under strict and clearly defined conditions and based on a transparent award process. The information on supported projects is publicly available. It is the Administration Board of the Foundation that decides on projects that receive support based on recommendations received from external experts who are members of evaluation panels.


The representatives of the Foundation strive to provide support wherever there are people interested in solving problems and developing new procedures and solutions, while taking into account the capacity of a grant recipient to ensure long-term sustainability of the supported activity. SPP Foundation respects the following values:



By its activities, SPP Foundation contributes to the protection of traditions, as well as cultural and spiritual values.



Through its activities, SPP Foundation expresses solidarity towards those who apply for support. It supports them whenever possible, subject to applicable rules, priorities, as well as internal capacities of the Foundation.



SPP Foundation strives to be sensitive to the needs of various groups and individuals within the society. Life brings various problems and challenges. The Foundation reflects on them directly and contributes to their resolution. Our sensitivity to problems and targeted support brings unique solutions.


The Foundation’s bodies are: Administration Board, Supervisory Board and Secretary. The Administration Board may decide on the establishment of other bodies by amending the Charter of Foundation. The appointment method of the Supervisory Board and membership in it are governed, as applicable, by the provisions on the Administration Board.


JUDr. Pavel Jurek

Member of the Supervisory Board of SPP Foundation

JUDr. Pavel Jurek

Člen dozornej rady Nadácie SPP

Členom predstavenstva spoločnosti Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s., je od 23. novembra 202 ...

Mgr. Boris Machút

Member of the Supervisory Board of SPP Foundation

Mgr. Boris Machút

Člen dozornej rady Nadácie SPP

Členom predstavenstva spoločnosti Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s., je od 23. novembra 202 ...

Ing. Juraj Ondris, MBA

Člen dozornej rady Nadácie SPP

Členom predstavenstva spoločnosti Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s., je od 23. novembra 202 ...

Ing. Juraj Ondris, MBA

Member of the Supervisory Board of SPP Foundation

doc. Ing. Vojtech Ferencz, PhD., MBA

Chairman of the Administration Board of SPP Foundation

Ing. Ľubomíra Radosová, PhD.

Member of the Administration Board of SPP Foundation

doc. Ing. Vojtech Ferencz, PhD., MBA

Predseda správnej rady Nadácie SPP

Predsedom predstavenstva a generálnym riaditeľom spoločnosti Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, ...

Ing. Ľubomíra Radosová, PhD.

Členka správnej rady Nadácie SPP

Ing. Ľubomíra Radosová, PhD. je riaditeľkou odboru ľudských zdrojov spoločnosti Slovenský pl ...

Michal Martikán

Člen správnej rady Nadácie SPP

Michal Martikán je vodný slalomár, prvý olympijský víťaz a historicky najmladší víťaz  ...

Michal Martikán

Member of the Administration Board of SPP Foundation

Ing. Rastislav Ručinský, PhD.

Member of the Administration Board of SPP Foundation

Ing. Rastislav Ručinský, PhD.

Člen správnej rady Nadácie SPP

Ing. Rastislav Ručinský, PhD. je absolventom Podnikovohospodárskej fakulty Ekonomickej univerzity ...

Prof. Ing. Maximilián Strémy, PhD.

Člen správnej rady Nadácie SPP

Prof. Ing. Maximilián Strémy, PhD. je od októbra 2021 prorektor pre strategické projekty a rozvo ...

Prof. Ing. Maximilián Strémy, PhD.

Member of the Administration Board of SPP Foundation

Ing. Zlatica Vargová

Director of SPP foundation

V roku 2008 ukončila vysokoškolské štúdium na Ekonomickej fakulte Technickej Univerzity v Ko ...

Ing. Zlatica Vargová

Správkyňa Nadácie SPP

V roku 2008 ukončila vysokoškolské štúdium na Ekonomickej fakulte ...